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Posts posted by robotic

  1. Two of these examples do that, yes. The other doesn't. If the ability to simply call another workflow from the previous is what you are looking for, this can be done with Alfred 2's AppleScript support. Try the following with a Run Script action or output.

    tell application "Alfred 2" to search "nextworkflow args"


    In this situation, nextworkflow would be replaced with the keyword for the next workflow that you wish to call and args would be replaced with any data that you wish to send to it.


    This solution will cause Alfred to blink really fast as he will have finished a workflow and simply uses AppleScript to call himself back up.


    I'm doing something similar, but it leaves Alfred open. Here's my osascript:

    tell application "Alfred 2" to search "openurl {query}"


    But in this case, it should immediately hit enter. I don't know anything about Apple script, so hoping that's a snippet to simulate enter. I'm also guessing there's another command to open a new tab in Chrome and go to that URL, but I couldn't figure that out. 


    Any good tutorials for Apple script?

  2. I'm going to try to get together a few example workflows of how to do this so I can share them to some of the users. Some of this is kinda hard to wrap your head around just describing it. I'll more than likely post them on the somewhere here and make it sticky so its easy to find.


    I'm trying to accomplish nearly the same thing and not sure where to go from what I'm at. I would love to see an example - an example of all methods to accomplish this would be nice.


    EDIT - Looks like I found it: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1283-how-to-script-filters-reusing-a-single-script-filter-or-chaining-multiple-together/

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