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Posts posted by blueneogeo

  1. If you close the sparrow window instead of hiding it, the sparrow button in the dock needs to be clicked in order for sparrow to generate the window again. So I got it to work completely by scripting in the click on the 'Sparrow' item in the dock:


    on alfred_script(q)
    	delay 0.5
    	tell application "Sparrow" to activate --- activates sparrow
    	tell application "System Events"
    		tell process "Dock"
    			click UI element "Sparrow" of list 1 --- click the dock item to generate a window
    	        end tell
    		tell process "Sparrow" --- implying Sparrow is already activated
    			key code 3 using {command down, option down} --- send cmd+alt+F to Sparrow invoking search
    			keystroke q --- enter the query
    		end tell
    	end tell
    end alfred_script
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