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Posts posted by hubertcampan

  1. Vitor,


    Thanks for your reply. I do understand what you say and have searched that path. I cannot find where to check "escape single quote". It is the case for "spaces", "backslash", … but no "single quote". That is in the Script Filter workflow Alfred preferences window. Or, do I have to escape them myself ? I'll try that last thing.







    Alfred v2.0.6 (203)

    OSX 10.8.4

    French locals, fr_FR

  2. Hi all,


    Can you tell me if the single quote ['] is allowed in the search window ?


    I'm now creating a workflow with a filter script, but when testing entering a single quote (like in "It's magic") it falls back to web searches as soon as the single quote is entered.


    I've tested with some other workflows, even with an empty one. Same problem.


    My bad if I may have not seen a preference somewhere. Can someone then point me to it ?


    Cheers !




    Alfred v2.0.6 (203)

    OSX 10.8.4

    French locals, fr_FR

  3. Hi all,


    I've have some problems with determining the locals language in bash script in workflows in Alfred2.

    I'm on OSX 10.7.5 FR.


    My script : 

    DATE=$(echo "{query}" | sed -e's/HAEC/CEST/g' -e's/HNEC/CET/g'); export LC_TIME="fr_FR.UTF-8"; date -jf "%d %B %Y %T %Z" "$DATE" "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S"


    I use it :

    Select a text date (i.e. : "18 décembre 2006 19:24:12 HNEC"), use my hotkey to launch Alfred2/Workflow/Bashscript


    Problem :


    • In Alfred2 when month has NO accented character (i.e. : "18 janvier 2006 19:24:12 HNEC")

    • In terminal as is with or without month with accented characters


    Does NOT work

    • In Alfred2 when month has accented character


    Note :

    I had to add 'export LC_TIME="fr_FR.UTF-8"' as I assume Alfred bash script works in EN. It didn't work with french dates even though my whole system is in french and it DOES work in terminal without the export command. Also, I had to "translate" HAEC and HNEC as date command doesn't understand this frenchified CEST and CET.


    Any ideas on how I can bypass this problem ? Is it a bug ?


    Thanks in advance !



  4. Hi all,


    I've have some problems with determining the locals language in bash script in workflows in Alfred2.

    I'm on OSX 10.7.5 FR.


    My script : 

    DATE=$(echo "{query}" | sed -e's/HAEC/CEST/g' -e's/HNEC/CET/g'); export LC_TIME="fr_FR.UTF-8"; date -jf "%d %B %Y %T %Z" "$DATE" "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S"


    I use it :

    Select a text date (i.e. : "18 décembre 2006 19:24:12 HNEC"), use my hotkey to launch Alfred2/Workflow/Bashscript

    Problem :
    • In Alfred2 when month has NO accented character (i.e. : "18 janvier 2006 19:24:12 HNEC")
    • In terminal as is with or without month with accented characters
    Does NOT work
    • In Alfred2 when month has accented character

    Note :

    I had to add 'export LC_TIME="fr_FR.UTF-8"' as I assume Alfred bash script works in EN. It didn't work with french dates even though my whole system is in french and it DOES work in terminal without the export command. Also, I had to "translate" HAEC and HNEC as date command doesn't understand this frenchified CEST and CET.


    Any ideas on how I can bypass this problem ? Is it a bug ?


    Thanks in advance !




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