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Posts posted by Habeeb

  1. On 1/19/2022 at 6:52 PM, vitor said:

    Not an accurate assumption, I’d say. Alfred has many non-power users, wherever you want to draw that line. Plus, being a power-user doesn’t mean you always type fast.


    The current implementation of that Workflow is based on the previous PHP versions, with some tweaks. It has already been juiced for speed without compromising usability, but they (including the Amazon one) are short and simple. If you want to do some changes / tests and suggest specific code improvements, they will be welcome for consideration.

    I'm not complaining about the speed of the search suggestions, if someone types fast enough continuously, they wont see any search results, i have attached a gif. 
    To fix this, we can do throttling instead of debouning. a developer might understand this.

  2. seems like there is nothing started on this yet, I'm willing to collaborate. let me know if anyone is interested :)

    On 8/26/2020 at 1:53 AM, akra5ia said:

    I'm beginning to look into using Microsoft Graph to interact with MS Teams from Alfred. Anyone aware if that is already been done? This is a big workflow so a collaborative effort with engineers and users would make this a very valuable integration. Not sure how to do that other than GitHub or something.


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