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Posts posted by mburke

  1. Subject 22.  Thanks for the suggestion.  I added tell application "Evernote" activate end tell to the beginning of the script, but it doesn't help.  In Applescript editor I first have to manually open Evernote before the script will compile.  Without Evernote open it says there is a syntax error "expected end of line, etc. but found application constant or consideration" in line 133 with note highlighted.  I was trying to create a simple workflow where i could first open evernote and then run the script.  I got evenote to open, but the script doesn't run.  


    I am new to all this so any help is much appreciated. 

  2. I am experiencing a similar problem with a separate Applescript created by Ben Waldie which creates completion reports from Omnifocus and deposits them in Evernote.  If run in the AppleScript editor you are prompted to select the time frame for the report, but thus far I have been unable to replicate this when using a workflow.  


    The main reason for creating a workflow is that Evernote needs to be open in order for the script to run.  So basically I am trying to create a simple workflow which opens Evernote then runs the script.


    -- This property controls whether full project paths (including parent folders) are displayed
    property includeFullProjectPaths : true
    -- These properties control whether additional task content is displayed
    property includeTaskContext : true
    property includeTaskEstimatedTime : true
    property includeTaskStartDate : true
    property includeTaskModificationDate : true
    property includeTaskCompletionDate : true
    property includeTaskNotes : true
    -- This setting specifies a name for the new note
    property theNoteName : "OmniFocus Completed Task Report"
    -- Prompt the user to choose a scope for the report
    set theReportScope to choose from list {"Today", "Yesterday", "This Week", "Last Week", "This Month"} default items {"Yesterday"} with prompt "Generate a report for:" with title "OmniFocus Completed Task Report"
    if theReportScope = false then return
    set theReportScope to item 1 of theReportScope
    -- Calculate the task start and end dates, based on the specified scope
    set theStartDate to current date
    set hours of theStartDate to 0
    set minutes of theStartDate to 0
    set seconds of theStartDate to 0
    set theEndDate to theStartDate + (23 * hours) + (59 * minutes) + 59
    if theReportScope = "Today" then
    	set theDateRange to date string of theStartDate
    else if theReportScope = "Yesterday" then
    	set theStartDate to theStartDate - 1 * days
    	set theEndDate to theEndDate - 1 * days
    	set theDateRange to date string of theStartDate
    else if theReportScope = "This Week" then
    	repeat until (weekday of theStartDate) = Sunday
    		set theStartDate to theStartDate - 1 * days
    	end repeat
    	repeat until (weekday of theEndDate) = Saturday
    		set theEndDate to theEndDate + 1 * days
    	end repeat
    	set theDateRange to (date string of theStartDate) & " through " & (date string of theEndDate)
    else if theReportScope = "Last Week" then
    	set theStartDate to theStartDate - 7 * days
    	set theEndDate to theEndDate - 7 * days
    	repeat until (weekday of theStartDate) = Sunday
    		set theStartDate to theStartDate - 1 * days
    	end repeat
    	repeat until (weekday of theEndDate) = Saturday
    		set theEndDate to theEndDate + 1 * days
    	end repeat
    	set theDateRange to (date string of theStartDate) & " through " & (date string of theEndDate)
    else if theReportScope = "This Month" then
    	repeat until (day of theStartDate) = 1
    		set theStartDate to theStartDate - 1 * days
    	end repeat
    	repeat until (month of theEndDate) is not equal to (month of theStartDate)
    		set theEndDate to theEndDate + 1 * days
    	end repeat
    	set theEndDate to theEndDate - 1 * days
    	set theDateRange to (date string of theStartDate) & " through " & (date string of theEndDate)
    end if
    -- Begin preparing the task list as HTML.
    set theProgressDetail to "<html><body><h1>Completed Tasks</h1><br><b>" & theDateRange & "</b><br><hr><br>"
    -- Retrieve a list of projects modified within the specified scope
    set modifiedTasksDetected to false
    tell application "OmniFocus"
    	tell front document
    		set theModifiedProjects to every flattened project where its modification date is greater than theStartDate and modification date is less than theEndDate
    		-- Loop through any detected projects
    		repeat with a from 1 to length of theModifiedProjects
    			set theCurrentProject to item a of theModifiedProjects
    			-- Retrieve any project tasks modified within the specified scope
    			set theCompletedTasks to (every flattened task of theCurrentProject where its completed = true and modification date is greater than theStartDate and modification date is less than theEndDate and number of tasks = 0)
    			-- Process the project if tasks were found
    			if theCompletedTasks is not equal to {} then
    				set modifiedTasksDetected to true
    				-- Append the project folder path to the project name
    				set theProjectFolderPath to ""
    				if includeFullProjectPaths = true then
    					set theProjectFolderPath to getProjectFolderPath(theCurrentProject) of me
    					if theProjectFolderPath is not equal to "" then set theProjectFolderPath to theProjectFolderPath & " > "
    				end if
    				-- Append the project name to the report
    				set theProgressDetail to theProgressDetail & "<h2>" & theProjectFolderPath & name of theCurrentProject & "</h2>" & return & "<br><ul>"
    				-- Loop through the detected tasks for the project
    				repeat with b from 1 to length of theCompletedTasks
    					set theCurrentTask to item b of theCompletedTasks
    					-- Append the tasks's name to the task list
    					set theProgressDetail to theProgressDetail & "<li>" & name of theCurrentTask
    					-- Set up a variable for the task detail, if relevant
    					set theTaskDetail to ""
    					-- Append the context to the task detail
    					if includeTaskContext = true then
    						set theContext to context of theCurrentTask
    						if theContext is not equal to missing value then set theTaskDetail to appendTaskDetail(theTaskDetail, name of theContext, "Context", "") of me
    					end if
    					-- Append the estimated time to the task detail
    					if includeTaskEstimatedTime = true then set theTaskDetail to appendTaskDetail(theTaskDetail, estimated minutes of theCurrentTask, "Estimated Time", " minutes") of me
    					-- Append the start date to the task detail
    					if includeTaskStartDate = true then set theTaskDetail to appendTaskDetail(theTaskDetail, start date of theCurrentTask, "Start Date", "") of me
    					-- Append the modification date to the task detail
    					if includeTaskStartDate = true then set theTaskDetail to appendTaskDetail(theTaskDetail, modification date of theCurrentTask, "Modification Date", "") of me
    					-- Append the completion date to the task detail
    					if includeTaskStartDate = true then set theTaskDetail to appendTaskDetail(theTaskDetail, completion date of theCurrentTask, "Completion Date", "") of me
    					-- Append the task's notes to the task detail
    					if includeTaskNotes = true then set theTaskDetail to appendTaskDetail(theTaskDetail, note of theCurrentTask, "Note", "") of me
    					-- Append the task detail to the task list
    					if theTaskDetail is not equal to "" then
    						set theProgressDetail to theProgressDetail & "<br><p style=\"color: gray\">" & theTaskDetail & "</p>"
    					end if
    					-- Finish adding the task's HTML to the list
    					set theProgressDetail to theProgressDetail & "</li>" & return
    				end repeat
    				set theProgressDetail to theProgressDetail & "</ul>" & return
    			end if
    		end repeat
    	end tell
    end tell
    set theProgressDetail to theProgressDetail & "</body></html>"
    -- Notify the user if no projects or tasks were found
    if modifiedTasksDetected = false then
    	display alert "OmniFocus Completed Task Report" message "No modified tasks were found for " & theReportScope & "."
    end if
    -- Create the note in Evernote.
    tell application "Evernote"
    	set theNote to create note notebook "Inbox" title theNoteName with html theProgressDetail
    	open note window with theNote
    end tell
    -- This handler gets the folder path for a project
    on getProjectFolderPath(theProject)
    	tell application "OmniFocus"
    		set theFolderPath to ""
    		if folder of theProject exists then
    			set theFolder to folder of theProject
    				if theFolderPath is not equal to "" then set theFolderPath to " : " & theFolderPath
    				set theFolderPath to name of theFolder & theFolderPath
    				if class of container of theFolder = folder then
    					set theFolder to container of theFolder
    					exit repeat
    				end if
    			end repeat
    		end if
    		if theFolderPath = "" then set theFolderPath to ""
    		return theFolderPath
    	end tell
    end getProjectFolderPath
    -- This handler appends a value to the task detail
    on appendTaskDetail(theTaskDetail, theValue, thePrefix, theSuffix)
    	if theTaskDetail is not equal to "" then set theTaskDetail to theTaskDetail & "<br>"
    	if theValue = missing value or theValue = "" then
    		set theValue to "N/A"
    		set theValue to theValue & theSuffix
    	end if
    	return theTaskDetail & thePrefix & ": " & theValue
    end appendTaskDetail
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