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Posts posted by daninbrighton

  1. I use dropbox as well and it is working for me. Have you installed the Day One CLI tools from their website?


    I have installed the Day One CLI... although now that I've looked into it some more I don't seem to have permission to run that from the terminal and that is probably my problem. I suspect it might be something to do with the fact that my main account is not an admin account (I have an admin accout which I don't actively use - but just use the credentials of when needed).

  2. Thanks for that... 


    I have tried to set things up to get your workflow up and running but get a:


    logtodayone.rb permission denied message


    error message when running.


    I guess that there's more to setting up the logtodayone.rb file that I thought; any ideas? 

    (I simply created a file with that name and the script contents and put it in a scripts directoy in my user folder.)

  3. Both of these caffeinate workflows are really useful... but, what I really want is simply the ability, with one command and no parameters to simply start caffeinate for a number of hours.


    I'd like to be able to to start it for 5 hours so that I don't need to bother remember to stop it.


    Ideally there'd be :


    - caff start

    - caff stop


    (and perhaps in an ideal world caff start [n] - e.g. caff start 3 - would start it for a number of hours.)


    I've looked at the code for both versions - and at the caffeinate documentations: but can't figure it out at all.


    Can anyone help?

  4. Does anyone have - or can anyone help - with a simpler version?


    I simply want a workflow to take a string of text and create a dayone entry leaving day one to default the date and time to current date and time.


    It seems like I should be able to do something with a terminal based workflow using the Day One CLI - but after a few hours of trying, I think that it's beyond me!

  5. thanks for your reply... I think I understand a bit better: 


    checking the following option:


    Shortcuts: Use <- and -> for folder navigation"


    deselected the 'show actions with right arrow' in the actions settings.


    When I un-checked the 1st option it didn't reset the 2nd one (which I hadn't noticed).


    Anyway... I'm back how I wanted to be... not a bug, more a complicated (to me at least) set of customisable settings.


    Thanks again.

  6. I've just installed Alfred 2 with the powerpack.



    # What you were doing when the issue happened:
    I checked the Features/file search/navigation/:
    "Shortcuts: Use <- and -> for folder navigation"
    After un-checking it, the right arrow doesn't show the action panel.
    After invoking Alfred2 I type:
    [space] documents
    I then down arrow once to select 'Users/dan/Documents
    then the right arrow does nothing. It did, I'm sure - before I checked and then un-checked the setting described above - show the action panel. It now does nothing.
    # Whether you were able to replicate it a second time by performing the same action
    Yes, I can.
    # Include any screenshots that might help us
    The following screen shots shows the settings
    # Include the Alfred version & build number you are using
    V2.0.3 (187)
    # Include your OS X version
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