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Posts posted by Dru89

  1. Please post one thread per bug report with the following information:

    • What you were doing when the issue happened
    • Whether you were able to replicate it a second time by performing the same action
    • Include any screenshots that might help us
    • Include the Alfred version & build number you are using
    • Include your OS X version

    I was trying to create a workflow earlier that basically looked like this:

    killall synergys
    nohup /usr/local/bin/synergys -f -c ~/.synergy/synergy.conf -d ERROR &
    ssh -f -R 24800: <myhostname> -- 'killall synergyc; synergyc -d ERROR -f'

    Basically, what this command should do, line-by-line is:

    • Kill all instances of synergys running on my machine.
    • Start a synergys process on my machine, with a given configuration, log level, and then fork the process.
    • ssh into my other desktop, with a little tunneling magic, kill all instances of the synergy client running on it, and start it back up by connecting through the tunnel that I created.

    This works if I have it as a script on my desktop and run it, but I wanted to have an Alfred workflow that also posted a little notification when it was done.


    So my workflow looks like this:


    Input ('syn' keyword) => Script => Notification

    When it gets to the script, it doesn't seem to execute line two correctly.  I've tried inserting each command line-by-line to see where it breaks, and it looks like it's not able to fork the process.  Whenever I run the command with just lines 1 and 2 and run a ps auxwww | grep synergys to see how it looks, the process is not showing up in the results.


    I think I can "fix" this by having Alfred call a separate file, but it doesn't seem to be working as is.


    Other information:

    Alfred version: v2.0.3 (187)

    Mac OS X Version: Mountain Lion (10.8.3)


    I'm calling this a bug because if you're accepting shell scripts, I imagine it should be able to fork processes, but I can't figure out why it's not.

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