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Posts posted by avk_tp

  1. On 6/3/2019 at 11:58 AM, GoOz said:

    Hey @avk_tp


    It's me again :D


    I have the same issue, again.

    As Alfred 4 came out,  I decided to clean a little bit, uninstalled Alfred and installed the new version. It turns out I still get the same error for the missing "Alfred 2" folder. I took a look in your code and found this line. I'm starting to think that this is the issue. I also get the `Script with argument '(null)' finished` but one thing at a time. :)

     What do you think?


    Hey hey!


    Good eye on the Alfred 2 folder issue - I've now updated the relevant lines to use the Alfred 3+ naming conventions. But I think the real problem may actually lie elsewhere, as now I'm getting the same issue you originally had (i.e. with the null return). Not sure what has changed... don't suppose you have any other ideas? :) 

  2. On 12/19/2018 at 9:37 AM, GoOz said:

    Oddly, I'm on Alfred 3 as well (3.7.1 to be exact) 😐

    I tried to reinstall on top of it but It wouldn't fix the issue. I just tried to remove the workflow and reinstall it again and… now it works! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

    Don't know why I didn't think of that before. Sorry for the bother.


    Ah, I'd assumed you were on an older version because I think

    /Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data/

    is for Alfred 2, not 3 - so it may be that there was some sort of issue tied to updates or something. In any event, glad it's sorted!


  3. I've poked and prodded at this script without success so far. The API is still returning valid results in my browser when I build the request URL as is done in translate.php, but the somewhere along the line I'm receiving errors such as:




    I'll update here when I get deeper into this. Might just rebuild with Ruby or Javascript.


    That'd be great! Unfortunately I'm really in over my head with the debugging.

  4. RIght.. Actually I do have an API key somewhere, inside a time machine backup, I believe. I had to reinstall mavericks and when I took back the alfred backup from dropbox it asked me again for it. Is there a particular location where your extension put this API? It is possible to retrieve it from a backup?

    Thanks anyway for the tip, I'll ask them as well! 


    Wordreference should have emailed you the API key originally, no? If you can't find the email they sent you, you need to go to ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/wordreference, open settings.plist, and then copy the numbers at the end of that line. That's your API. 

  5. Hi avk_tp,


    Your error lies in this line:

    set properties of the top right screen corner to {activity:mission control, modifiers:{}}

    The hot-corner-activity cannot have the state 'mission control' - that's only the label you see in the System Preferences GUI. The correct state to get the 'mission control' is:

    set properties of the top right screen corner to {activity:all windows, modifiers:{}}

    'all windows' gets you 'mission control'.


    This is the code you pasted, but corrected:

    set properties of the top left screen corner to {activity:none, modifiers:{}}
    set properties of the top right screen corner to {activity:all windows, modifiers:{}}
    set properties of the bottom left screen corner to {activity:application windows, modifiers:{}}
    set properties of the bottom right screen corner to {activity:show desktop, modifiers:{}}



    That totally fixed it. Thanks so much!

  6. Hi avk_tp,


    You need to set the activity of the corner where you want Launchpad to:

    set properties of the Y X screen corner to {activity:«constant ****lpad», modifiers:{}}

    The reason the others didn't work is probably because it crashed when you tried setting the activity to 'launchpad', which does not work.


    If you have more trouble or questions, feel free to ask.


    Thanks for the help, but I still can't get it to work. In fact, I tried getting rid of the launchpad corner altogether and the only one I can get to work is still mission control. Just in case I'm doing something obvious wrong, you'll find the relevant part of the script below. 


    Thanks again!



    set properties of the top left screen corner to {activity:none, modifiers:{}}

    set properties of the top right screen corner to {activity:mission control, modifiers:{}}
    set properties of the bottom left screen corner to {activity:application windows, modifiers:{}}
    set properties of the bottom right screen corner to {activity:show desktop, modifiers:{}}
  7. Love the idea. Does this work on Mountain Lion? I can use the script to disable hot corners, but the workflow refuses to re-enable most of them (both newer features such as Launchpad, but even "show desktop"). I get a notification that they've been re-enabled, but only one corner (the one I have set to what's now called "Mission Control") actually has been.





  8. Hi Anthony,


    Yes, please. I would really appreciate it if you could do that.

    Thanks a million in advance.




    Hey Mahmoud, 


    I took a look at the wordreference results for the thesaurus and I can't figure out a way to return them in Alfred without the whole thing becoming unwieldy. There are just too many different senses for words, which then have a whole slew of associated synonyms.


    The only way I can think to do it is with a drill down menu, such that you enter a word (e.g. "cold") and then you choose among the potential meanings (e.g. "said of weather", "said of people", "absence of warmth", etc.), press enter, and then are returned a new list with synonyms for that particular sense of the word. Unfortunately I am not a real programmer so I wouldn't know where to even start to do that (and I can't say for certain whether the wordreference website makes it possible to do). 


    So alas, you'll need to hope that an actual programmer can come to your rescue on that one. 



    Sorry about that,


  9. Hey Mahmoud,


    The English monolingual dictionary cannot be accessed except through the wordference website, but I can add in the English thesaurus if you'd still want it on its own.



    Let me know,






    Any chance you could add English definition and English synonyms to the workflow? I am a translator and it can be very useful for me.

    Thanks in advance.



  10. Any chance of adding Portuguese? Thanks


    Done. You can download it here: http://db.tt/iVfinaFs (it's not up on github yet). Use pten for Portuguese to English and enpt for the reverse.



    setapi should be a keyword not a script filter, it was working fine few version ago, don't know how it got changed... astroMD77: try this version https://github.com/francescolaffi/alfred-wordreference-workflow/raw/master/WordReference.alfredworkflow it should work


    avk_tp: I'll send a pull request with everything ready to release this fix


    edit: fixed link, the software of this forum is not really good understanding where an url finish


    @francescolaffi: can you push it up onto github for me? I fiddled with it for awhile but keep getting errors in terminal (I don't think I've set it up right and need to look into it a bit more).

  11. setapi should be a keyword not a script filter, it was working fine few version ago, don't know how it got changed... astroMD77: try this version https://github.com/francescolaffi/alfred-wordreference-workflow/raw/master/WordReference.alfredworkflow it should work


    avk_tp: I'll send a pull request with everything ready to release this fix


    edit: fixed link, the software of this forum is not really good understanding where an url finish



    This looks like a really good workflow. Thanks for sharing. I have one problem. I am trying set the api but alfred immediately tries to search for the key instead of letting me enter it into the setapi action. See below.




    It's all merged now, so the updated version is on github. I'm not sure how setapi stopped working, either, since I confirmed that the the process looked exactly the same a few versions ago and worked fine. 

  12. Hi, I forked it and made a couple of pull requests, one that organize a bit the repo and the other with the copy on enter functionality + one term per line.

    you can test how it works here https://raw.github.com/francescolaffi/alfred-wordreference-workflow/copy-on-enter/WordReference.alfredworkflow 


    You can merge that code in your repo with the button that says accept pull request or merge it, or something like that.

    I believe it is possible to use github to distribute the workflow and host the remote json, if you need help with it or github contact me.


    Accepted the pull requests and I've updated the alleyoop update to make it all go through github. The only thing I can't figure out is how to replace the workflow file itself on github with the new one that contains the proper alleyoop reference. I feel like I'm missing something super simple...


    Thanks again for all the help, by the way!

  13. I slimmed it a bit, now there is only translate.php instead than one file per language pair and there is only one loop in the file

    I also found out that german is not supported by the wordreference api...bad luck for me

    Well anyway give it a look https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/115338/WordReference.alfredworkflow


    If you are open to contributions github would probably be the best way to handle them.



    by the way I think that it would be more useful if it would copy the translation to clipboard instead than opening wordreference

    the result could be compressed in one per line to show more like this:

    - title: {translated term} ({pos} {sense})

    - subtitle: {original term} ({pos} {sense})

    what you think of these ideas?


    Here's that link to the github page: https://github.com/mbdw/WordReference

  14. I slimmed it a bit, now there is only translate.php instead than one file per language pair and there is only one loop in the file

    I also found out that german is not supported by the wordreference api...bad luck for me

    Well anyway give it a look https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/115338/WordReference.alfredworkflow


    If you are open to contributions github would probably be the best way to handle them.



    by the way I think that it would be more useful if it would copy the translation to clipboard instead than opening wordreference

    the result could be compressed in one per line to show more like this:

    - title: {translated term} ({pos} {sense})

    - subtitle: {original term} ({pos} {sense})

    what you think of these ideas?


    Looks great! Definitely much more parsimonious than my version... thanks for going through it and fixing it up. 


    As for the suggestion, I think that sounds good. We could always make it so that while enter copies the translation to clipboard, pressing control-enter could open the webpage (so that the option would still be there).


    In the meanwhile I'll sign up for github in a few days (I'm travelling right now) and then return with a link for contribution purposes.

  15. Hi Anthony, thanks for the workflow, it's very useful.

    I'd like to add German, I had a look to the code and it repeat itself in several ways (all the {lang1}{lang2}.php files could be unificated passing the languages as a script argument from alfred, also all the loops in those files are very similar and could be done with a function), slimming it would make it easier to add languages and more maintainable.

    If you'd like I'll gladly do this refactoring and add german language, tell me what you think about it.


    Sounds great to me!


    I'm a real amateur, so although I could obviously add the German translations in myself I'd be hard pressed to do the refactoring. Just let me know if I can help out in some way.

  16. Download and Install mac apps. 




    update 1.1 : There is now a progress window that shows the download




    A simple workflow based on the community managed app list at homebrew-cask


    Usage : Install <app-name>


    If the app is in brew-casks directory, workflow will download/extract/mount and install the app.


    *It won't run over your app though, so if you want to update, remove the app first.




    As always, feedback is more then welcome, help me test this guys, this took my whole weekend :D


    Doesn't support pkg. yet, will soon.

    Supports aleoop for updates


    I believe the link is down.

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