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Kristin Lynch

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Posts posted by Kristin Lynch

  1. Hello:


    I'm having a problem with the Password Generator workflow here: https://github.com/alfredapp/updated-third-party-python2-workflows/raw/main/Workflows/Password Generator.alfredworkflow.


    I'm using macOS Monterey 12.4 and Alfred 4.6.6. I installed Python 2.7.18. My other workflows that were no longer working are once again working.


    When I try to capture a password, I see the notification that it has been copied to my clipboard. However, it apparently doesn't because it never shows up when I try to paste. I use CMD+V but it doesn't actually paste what I've copied; instead it pastes whatever I pasted prior to this copy attempt.


    I'm using a Lipsum workflow that pastes from Alfred and that has been working fine since I installed Python.


    Any ideas? Thank you in advance!

    Coping and pasting using other workflows works fine so I think it's possibly a problem with the workflow. I contacted the developer but he never responded.

    Do you think I'm just doing something stupid? I realize you can't be expected to support workflows, but I'm just curious if there's something obvious I'm missing.

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