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Posts posted by Augusto

  1. Nice one. I made one adjustment to the backup file. Instead of adding original_ to the front, I left the base the same then added .bak after the extention. I like the new image and the original to be next to each other in my folder list. When Original was added to the front, they all went into the O secion of the file list.


    What I would really like is something like this:

    logo.png > logo.20130725.bak.png


    Do you know how I might modify this to do that?


    juggopop, try this:


    - find that lines in the bin/bash script element:

    base=$(basename "$input")
    new=$(echo -n $base)

    - replace with that:

    base=$(basename "$input")
    currentdate=$(date +"%Y%m%d")
    name=$(basename "$base" .png)
    new=$(echo -n $name.$currentdate.bak.png)
  2. As some users already know, the new tinypng api requires an API key.


    Until the next Benzi's update comes, you can do the following steps:


    - get your unique API key here (the free one allows you to convert up to 500 png files per month): https://tinypng.com/developers


    - edit the great Benzi's workflow, and in the bin/bash script element, find that line:

    download=$(curl -s --data-binary "@$input" http://tinypng.org/api/shrink | grep -o "http[^\"]*")

    .. and replace for that:

    download=$(curl -s --user api:YOUR_UNIQUE_API_KEY_HERE --data-binary "@$input" https://api.tinypng.com/shrink | grep -o "http[^\"]*")

    just save and use!

  3. Hello Andrew,


    sorry about replying in this old topic, but the subject is the same (the media keys)..


    first, congratulations to the team for the fantastic job with the Alfred App

    Now, I only can use the media keys with a modifier key combination, like cmd + fn + f11...
    It's possible to use only the fn + f11 as a hotkey (without the modifier key)?


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