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Posts posted by brucehs

  1. A simple Alfred workflow using osascript shell scripts to implement keyboard and mouse control in Apple’s “Help Viewer”. “Help Viewer” does not seem to want to do so natively, so this is a bit of a hack.

    Download. Github.


    Mouse Control is achieved through BetterTouchTool. “Help Viewer” never actually takes focus, so the shortcuts and settings must be enabled universally. Thus the out-of-the-way keyboard shortcuts bound to mouse buttons. Application-specific settings will override them:



    Further Development

    This workflow was created on 10.9.5 for Alfred 2.6 (374). I don’t plan to upgrade to Yosemite anytime soon, so I will keep it functional for Mavericks and Alfred updates. If you would like to adapt it for other versions, please do.

    If anyone knows how to get “Help Viewer” to respond directly to Applescript run by Keyboard Maestro or BetterTouchTool, that would be a much more straightforward method. I kept getting “posix_spawn: error 7” though.

  2. I hadn't come across that, though I'm not a developer, so I like to stay in scripting land. Also, "Hi. The problem is that with some machines it causes a kernel panic" is worrisome. ;)

    Extra Scripts instantaneously transports the mouse to the pixel coordinates; there's not really any delay.

    As for the built-in shortcut, my muscle memory is better for Alfred and I don't have to stretch across the keyboard to the Eject key.

    Yes, I'm lazy.


  3. After searching around online for a way to automate sleeping my display rather than the whole computer, I realized there wasn't a good solution. So after some trial and error, I whipped up an AppleScript and created a workflow around it.



    Requires Extra Suites, an unmaintained application that allows one to script mouse movements. One can download it here: http://www.kanzu.com/downloads/Extra_Suites.zip





    Hope this is useful!






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