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Posts posted by laleleona

  1. Hello, new to Alfred and working on my first workflow. It's supposed to take the path of a file that I recently selected (and copied) and include it in an external link in my Obsidian notes. (Basically I want a quick way of linking external files in my Obsidian notes, without having to right click on the file and holding down opt to reveal copy path, etc.). I want to create the link so that the word I then select in Alfred will be revealed as the text of the link. Telling Alfred to copy and paste this to clipboard:   [{query}](<file:/{clipboard:1}>) won't work since the clipboard will just be inserted in case I copied plain text, but not the file path. Could anyone help me how I would achieve that? 

  2. Hello, I'm new to Alfred and already awed at what it can do. I'd like to integrate omnifocus with alfred and was wondering whether there's an existing workflow for the current version? I could only find the search OF one, not one that allows you to create new tasks.  Any help is much appreciated!

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