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    xCNA reacted to chrislemke in ChatFred: OpenAI's GPT-model workflow   
    Dear Alfred Community,
    I am writing to share an important update about the ChatFred project.
    As the project has grown and evolved, it has been a privilege to work with all of you. Your contributions and feedback have been invaluable, and together, we've built something truly special. However, due to an increasingly demanding schedule, I am no longer able to dedicate the necessary time to maintain ChatFred with the justice it deserves.
    The advent of numerous advancements from OpenAI has opened up exciting new possibilities for ChatFred, marking a perfect moment for fresh energy and leadership to take the helm. Therefore, I am in search of someone with the passion and expertise to carry forward this legacy.
    If you have a strong interest in the project and believe you have what it takes to lead it into its next chapter, please reach out. Your role would involve steering development, managing the community, and integrating the latest AI technologies to keep ChatFred at the forefront.
    I am optimistic about the future of ChatFred under new stewardship and look forward to seeing it continue to thrive. Please direct inquiries and expressions of interest to the contact information listed below.
    Thank you for your understanding and continuous support.
    Best regards,
    BTW: This text was written by ChatFred 😉
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