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Posts posted by cannfoddr

  1. =============

    FIXED IT!!


    I was using a very old custom script to launch iterm2 - I updated to the one on Github and it is now working







    I've just upgraded to 1Password8 and am updating the integration.  It seems to be installed but If I choose an action that is supposed to display a terminal nothing happens.


    I turned on debug and found the script that the original setup action was creating: /var/folders/sh/ts05sxgs0cv0g0_nmzgsxff563b40q/T/tmp.6WnZ2HEp.


    I opened iterm2 manually and ran the script from there and I have 1password account connected.


    However if I now go to :1pextra and choose 'force update...':


    I still don't get a terminal prompt.


    On a whim I went and checked terminal settings in Alfred and they were set to custom to launch iTerm2.   I just changed these to default to terminal and the actions now seem to be working.


    Is there a way to get your flow to work with custom?




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