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Posts posted by victordong

  1. image.thumb.png.00f344edf68d69999f6298f7ba50136f.png


    I have a workflow like the one above.


    Are 'Write Text File' components concurrent?


    Supposed they are executed concurrently, I have to wait for both of them to finish.


    We can use 'join' in multi-threading programming.


    Is there a way to do such a 'join-like' action in alfred?



  2. I have different input methods.


    Is there a way to automatically switch the input method when i focus on different app?


    For example, when i open iTerm2, the input method should be "com.apple.keylayout.ABC (ABC)", and when i open chrome, the input method should be "com.sogou.inputmethod.sogou.pinyin (搜狗拼音)"


    I already have a tool to change the input method, It's a binary executable file.

    The problem is that i need to execute the binary tool at the right time.


    Can alfred help me to trigger a workflow to execute this tool?

    None of the triggers seemed to meet my needs.



    macOS Monterey 12.5.1

    Alfred 5.0.2

  3. image.thumb.png.3b8ebaea9fe309e1ea4821322922fded.png


    I made a simple workflow to parse a json text.

    It has only three steps, like this









    Everything is ok when the selected text is not that large.


    But when the selected text is about 16M (a big json text), the workflow does not work and post an error notice.


    At the beginning, i thought it was because of the script.


    But it will still throw the same error when i delete most of the logic of the script.


    Now the run script is below, 



    The screenshots of the run script is the fourth picture above.


    Alfred version is: 

    Alfred 5.0.1

    Build 2067, Wednesday 27th July 2022


    MacOS version is:



    I put the example json text on github, https://github.com/ernest-dzf/playground/blob/master/json.tar.gz


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