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Dr. Peter

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Posts posted by Dr. Peter

  1. First, there have been a couple threads here and around the internet that haven't answered my problem or have danced around it to no avail.


    I have Alfred 5.06 (the latest at the time of this post) with Python 3.9 installed on my MacBook with Ventura 13.3. I am writing a python3 script to post an html request. I have installed the responses module for both python 3.10 and 3.9 that happened to be installed on my system and verified the installations, even uninstalling and reinstalling twice.


    I can run my script through the python interpreter directly and everything works completely, but when I try to run it in an Alfred Workflow (after having selected the /usr/bin/python3 script option), I get an error from the line:


    import responses



    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/$MyNameHere/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Scripts/$WorkflowLongGibberishName", line 7, in <module> import requests
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'requests'


    I've also added the shebang at the top of the script to try to force the script to use the other installation:  #!/Users/$MyNameHere/opt/anaconda3/bin/python3

    I've tried a bunch of other things including adding the /Users/$MyNameHere/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages directory to the PATH.


    Can someone please help me fix this? I've spent to much time already on something that was supposed to be done days ago.





  2. Hello all,


    I just got Alfred. Love the tool (overall)! I'm a long time Windows user, and Alfred is the main tool I miss when I move back to my Windows computer. They just don't have anything that compares to it.


    On to my topic: I was setting up some text snippet text expansions. (I love the speed of Alfred's expansions! Text Expander is like pouring cold molasses in comparison.)


    But I was having problems with the snippet suffixes or basically how to end a snippet keyword for the expansion. If I set up a snippet "w" to expand to "with" (I like using text expansions as keyboard shorthand) then typing "work" becomes "withork". I thought unchecking "Expand snippets mid-string" under Options would handle this, but it only watches for the preceding separation character. Shouldn't that "mid-string" option work for both ends of the keyword, much like Word for Mac's AutoCorrect feature where the expansion is only executed for whole keywords?


    By the way, using a Snippet Trigger with some logic to parse whether the "w" has ended with a space or other punctuation mark is like swatting a fly with a hammer. I've done that in Keyboard Maestro some, and it is overkill. Does (or shouldn't?) Alfred allow an option to trigger the expansion on "word completion"?  Also adding a space as the suffix doesn't handle expansions since for other snippets I might type a , (comma) or a . (period) after the snippet keyword. It seems overkill to have to define "w " "w." "w," "w;" and various like all expanding to "with". That's not even mentioning capitalized word variations.


    Is there a way to accomplish this that I am missing as a new Alfred user? Regex somehow?


    If not, I could envision using short regex expressions to solve the issue, but at least just optional suffix characters to end a keyword would be a significant improvement. I very much like Alfred, but the snippets/text expansions could use some work. I do love the speed however.


    Looking forward to seeing what features are in Alfred version 5.




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