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Posts posted by Adam

  1. Okie dokie, why isn't the query working in this?


    on alfred_script(q)
    tell application "Thyme"
    end tell
    end alfred_script


    If I hard code the values start, stop, pause, toggle it works fine. The query is passed through to the post notification. 


    Best way to debug something simple like this?




  2. I was installing and playing with workflows at the weekend and beginning of the week and having this would be useful for me so I created it.


    Basically by installing the workflow you can call either a contact in your address book via your Snom VoIP phone or call a typed in number.


    Instructions and more information can be found over here.


    Direct download link is here


    I'm not expecting this to be a hugely popular workflow but it might be of use to those with a Snom and who are too lazy to use the keys on it to dial numbers! Give me a shout if there are any improvements that can be made!




  3. Is there a way to search the address book and perform an action on an entries phone number?


    I'm looking at doing a workflow to connect to my phone so it's easy to call numbers. I'm content on working out what to do if I need to enter a number manually but would also like to be able to do something like:


    1. Enter "call Adam"

    2. Alfred returns matching names

    3. Hit enter on right name

    4. Alfred returns all numbers

    5. Hit enter > script kicks in to send to phone.


    I know we can already search the address book natively. I don't know if we can add actions to that to kick in a script/workflow?


    Any thoughts or suggestions let me know :)




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