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Posts posted by mustardeel

  1. janusalfred.png.9d0bd6add7f08e2caba05d7a7264a16a.png

    Hi, I am new to Alfred and want to share one of my workflows called Janus. I would appreciate any feedback and testing. Thanks in advance!


    Janus creates random non-boring usernames on the fly. All the username generator out there are unsatisfying for my taste, so I wrote a script that produces results like MIRACLEFRUITZeta.Defino or Asia.STiLeTtO. You can specify the style of the username (lowercase, UPPERCASE, MiXeD) by providing one of 3 arguments and copy the result to your clipboard.


    Usage: type janus to generate usernames. Provide an argument (low, up, mix) to set the text-style of the usernames. Copy one of the generated names to your clipboard using command + [1–9]. See GIF below for a visual intro.


    Dependencies: Python > 3.8


    Download (Github): https://github.com/manesspl/janus-for-alfred/releases/download/v1.0.0/Janus.alfredworkflow 





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