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Posts posted by e2o

  1. Hello!


    Transitioning from LaunchBar's clipboard history. It had a great feature in that the same keystroke used to invoke the history (in my case Command+\) pressed a second time selected the 2nd item in the history, pressing a third time selected the 3rd... etc. Is it possible to make Alfred's clipboard history do the same? I have assigned Command+\ - and if I hit that to see history, Command+\ again makes the history disappear. It would be so much faster to just double-tap (triple-tap etc) on the "\" key with Command down to scroll through.


    Example: select and paste 3rd item in history:

    Alfred: Command+\, Down Arrow,  Down Arrow, Return

    Launchbar Command+\\\ (let go)


    In LB, I'm only using a modifier and three taps on one key.

    In Alfred, I'm using a modifier plus first key, then two taps on the second key, then a third key


    Any suggestions for making Alfred more efficient? A Workflow perhaps?




    - eric

  2. thanks @vitor - that does not appear to resolve names from initial letters - like NAR -> Notes and Reference.


    Additionally (and this is my perspective trying to make the transition from launchbar), "nar" (the LaunchBar solution) is a ton easier than "fzf notes and ^d"


    I'd say Simple File Search is probably still better for my used case.


    I'm really trying to embrace Alfred. Yes, it does more, but it is WAY less efficient and economical with keystrokes. This idea of preceding search with 3-6 keystrokes *before* you search is such a speedbump. (' or fs, or open, or find). I should be able to just Search, and *then* indicate what I want to do with return, or arrows or modifiers.

  3. Howdy!

    Alfred's standard application searching works great figuring out abbreviations etc. - like "MM" gets me to Mailmate no problem even though the letters MM never appear together in the app name. Even "mate" works.

    Why does this not happen for files and folders? I have a document called "distance calculator.xlsx", and no matter how many times I open it with file search ( ' ), if I don't type a string exactly as it appears in the file name (and preferably the initial letters), it won't find it. I'd like to type: "  ' dcalc  " and find it. (I'm sure if there was an app named "Distance Calculator, "dcalc" would find it)

    Similarly, I use the workflow "Simple Folder Search" for folders. I'm constantly starting folder navigation in a folder called "Notes and Reference". My muscle memory from LaunchBar is "nar" - and bam, there it would be. But I've searched for this folder hundreds of times with " fs n....  " , and it is clear that "nar" is never going to find it. I must type in " fs note..." to bring it up. And, although this is probably the most searched folder by far, it still is occasionally not the top time after "no" or "not" and I have to keep going...

    Why are there not more file and folder smarts like in Application searching?

    And, if it isn't going to get smarter, is there a mechanism to "pin" or "favorite"?


    - eric

  4. @vitor - I'm on Alfred 5.5, running Mac OS Sonoma 14.5


    I think I'm seeing the problem.

    If I search for a folder, highlight it, and hit Return, it opens the folder in Finder.

    If I search for a folder, highlight it, hit command+down to enter navigation, highlight a folder in navigation and hit Return, it enters the folder in Alfred's navigator

    So I *do* (did) have a misunderstanding that a folder selected in the search window is fundamentally different than a folder shown in the navigator display.

    At first glance, I find this inconsistent and a weakness. Perhaps I'll come to realize this is a positive. We shall see.

  5. Howdy. Potential LaunchBar convert here.


    I'm a bit confused by the behavior of the return key when I'm navigating the file system in Alfred. I search for a folder using a leading space, then typing the folder name. With the folder I want to navigate is highlighted, I hit Command+Down to show the folder contents in Alfred.


    In the Preferences > Features > Flle Search, I have this UN-ticked:

    [ ] Use <Return> to open folders in Finder

    And I read:

    "By default, while browsing <Return> will navigate into a folder. Use this option to open folders in Finder instead. Note: At any point, you can use cmd+o to open a Folder in Finder."


    However, when I use the arrow keys while navigating in Alfred to select a subfolder and hit Return, it does NOT open the folder in Alfred, but opens the the folder in Finder (well, in Path Finder which is my designated file handler).


    Maybe I have some confusion between Search and Navigate as discussed here:



    Personally, I'd like to be able to determine what <Return> does to a folder in the Search window AND in navigation. I'm trying to keep my finders on the homerow, and want to avoid modified arrow keys. Why isn't <Return> navigating into a folder?


    Thanks! - eric

  6. Thanks, Stephen_C. Yes, folders is checked. Is there no baked-in way to restrict find to folders? I do a TON of drilling through my file system with LaunchBar, especially from Save and Open dialog boxes (during the use of [Shift + Command + G] to Go To Folder).


    I will say, after letting it bake overnight, it seems to be doing *little* better, but I would still rate it as pretty lame. I'm not sure how indexing would rank a file named "220805_03_AHA_ticket.txt" Above the parent folder named "AHA" when I search "AHA". I want Alfred to learn that AHA means the parent folder for my client "AHA", but there are so many ticket documents in the search results that the folder AHA isn't even visible to select it and make it stick.


    I really want to like Alfred, but this does not appear very intelligent to me. I will readily admit that I'm probably missing something very basic.

  7. Coming from LaunchBar - TOTALLY perplexed. I bring up Alfred search, I type in "UBA" - a primary folder in my Documents folder - HELLO? Alfred, you listening? It's right there - the UBA folder. Nothing - just a crapload of documents with "uba" in the file name somewhere. I need to browse my file system - folders are actually a "thing" in a file system - find folder "UBA" already.... 



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