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Posts posted by jhillen

  1. Could you temporarily create a new user account on your Mac and run Alfred from that user to see if the system commands work?





    Did what you said and created a new user account to test the system commands. Everything seems to be in working order on the new user account! I can use all the commands that I listed at the top of this thread. Still broken when I switch back to my user account.

  2. Hi there,


    I haven't suggested a solution yet, I want to know what happens when you type that into Terminal... if you get an error, or if Finder activates. I basically want to find out if osascript is working.





    Andrew - 


    I used the command you gave me and did not receive any messages in Console. The command did change my app focus to the Finder from Terminal.




    Hmm very strange indeed, and that console message doesn't give much of a clue. Many of the system commands rely on osascript, could you open Terminal.app and just type:



    osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to activate'
    This should activate finder if osascript is working as expected.



    Did what you suggested and that doesn't seem to help. I use an app called TotalFinder as a Finder replacement. Could that be interfering with Alfred in some way? I've used them together in the past and they've worked. Just an idea.




  4. I noticed a few months ago that my System Commands stopped working at all with Alfred v2. I just updated to Alfred v2.0.7 this morning and decided to upgrade to the powerpack in hopes that this would fix the problem. It didn't. After some quick googling I found this forum post but it didn't really help.


    Here are the system commands that currently don't work...

    • Trash
    • Empty Trash
    • Logout
    • Sleep
    • Lock
    • Restart
    • Shutdown


    Here is what my Console is displaying when I use the "Sleep" command...

    8/8/13 2:11:02.376 PM System Events[744]: Unable to load nib file: MainMenu, exiting
    8/8/13 2:11:02.377 PM com.apple.launchd.peruser.502[129]: ([0x0-0xf30f3].com.apple.systemevents[744]) Exited with code: 1

    My computer specs are...


    27" iMac (Late 2012)

    Processor:  3.2 GHz Intel Core i5

    Memory:  8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

    Graphics:  NVIDIA GeForce GTX 675MX 1024 MB

    Software:  OS X 10.8.4 (12E55)



    Does anyone have an idea of how this can be fixed? Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated. 












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