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Posts posted by jlgtx

  1. I'm trying to get Google Drive indexing to work for me. I'm on macOS 13.3.


    Example case: I have thousands of song files in various formats (text, PDF, PowerPoint, etc.) in a folder structure. If I do a Spotlight search on a local copy of that folder structure for a word, let's say "wondrous," I get 185 hits from filenames and file contents. If I do a Spotlight search on that same folder structure in the Google Drive folder, I get zero hits -- even though that folder is tagged as "available offline" in Google Drive settings. If I login to Google Drive in a web browser and do the same search, I get 112 hits. If I use "gd wondrous" in Alfred (5.0.6 with Google Drive workflow v2023.6), I get 20 hits.



    ### Workflow version

    ### Alfred version

    ### macOS version

    ### Architecture

    ### Preferences
    Dict {
        google_drive_path = ~/Library/CloudStorage/GoogleDrive-jon@cardioquip.com

    ### Full Disk Access

    ### Google drive path
    Exists: /Users/jon/Library/CloudStorage/GoogleDrive-jon@cardioquip.com
    165764 paths

    ### Cache dir

    ### Cache file
    16777232 183443887 -rw-r--r-- 1 jon staff 0 42512384 "Mar 29 13:29:28 2023" "Mar 29 13:28:07 2023" "Mar 29 13:28:07 2023" "Mar 29 13:26:53 2023" 4096 84008 0 /Users/jon/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/com.alfredapp.vitor.googledrive/cache.db

    ### Temporary cache
    Does NOT exist

    ### Build progress
    NOT running

    ### Launchd job
    Loaded: -    0    com.alfredapp.vitor.googledrive

  2. 1 hour ago, vitor said:


    I don’t get what you’re asking for.

    I'm asking for the plugin to (optionally) maintain an index not just of file/folder names, but of file content. If I search for "cheese," I want to see anything with "cheese" in the name, and also anything with "cheese" anywhere in the contents of the file itself. I was surprised to find that Google Drive's Spotlight integration actually does seem to include content indexing. I haven't pushed it very hard, but it did find the cheese when the Alfred plugin didn't.

    Screenshot 2022-12-20 at 2.49.36 PM.png

  3. Now Google Drive has the "Enable Spotlight to search streaming files" option (disabled by default and buried in the settings, because what the heck Google?!), which means that DFS is now up to, what, early 2000's feature set? So, what are the odds that you could add an option to do full content indexing to this workflow? That's really the nice thing about Spotlight, after all. If I remembered what I named the dang file/folder, I'd probably already know where it was, right?

    Screenshot 2022-12-20 at 11.56.08 AM.png

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