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Posts posted by wrightling

  1. Here is a new version (still a beta one) that starts to add support for a tag like #ToBuy or a tag like @Home as well as notebooks names that start with a hash or an at sign.


    Download Version 8.1 Beta Now


    Please, make some tests and let me know. Thank you.


    This worked perfectly!  Please include it going forward.  I'm sorry I didn't see your post until now.  You are super responsive, it turns out (and I failed to set up notifications for this thread)!


    I note in a download link you put out for someone later in this thread that it doesn't include the above allowance for tags like #@Work, so hopefully it's not a big deal to get what you linked to me above in the permanent branch.

  2. Hi there - I love this workflow.  Thanks so much for putting this out there.


    I use the Getting Things Done workflow suggested by thesecretweapon.com, and in this I use a number of tags that start with @, such as @Home, @Work, and @Town.  Is there any way to escape the @ symbol so it can be used in a tag?


    Here's what I used to do when adding a task, which worked well:

    enn Some Task#1-Now,@Home#GTD


    Here's what I tried that doesn't seem to work now:

    enn Some Task @GTD #1-Now #@Home


    When I try this, it tells me "You can only create a note in one notebook at a time"

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