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Posts posted by brandonliu

  1. Good catch. Spotlight is not finding the results either. I tried that method for re-indexing the folder, but it didn't pick it up. It seems like others are having problems with Spotlight indexing folders and files under ~/Library. I tried symlinking the subfolder I care about to a sub-folder of my home directory, but it didn't seem to make a difference either. Do you have any ideas on how to get Spotlight to index ~/Library?

  2. 1) I am using an application called Papers2 for managing papers. The papers are located in subfolders within ~/Library/Application Support/Papers2. For example, a PDF will be located at ~/Library/Application Support/Papers2/Nisan/2010 - Nisan....pdf


    2) The Search Scope in my Alfred preferences includes the path ~/Library/Application Support/Papers2


    3) When I search in Alfred, the PDF files do not appear in the search.


    4) Here's an ls -l output of the folder:


    -rw-r--r--@ 1 brandonliu  staff  5422330 Aug  3 22:22 2010 Nisan - Review of Algorithmic Game Theory.pdf


    The '@' at the end seems to tell me that the file is symlinked. However, calling readlink on it returns error code 1. Not really sure what's going on, and other files do not appear to be symlinked.


    Help? Thank you in advance!

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