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Posts posted by soulbarn

  1. Edit by deanishe: Built-in "Search for 'X' in Spotlight" alternative action (OPT+ENTER) fails on multi-word queries. Bug confirmed on OS X 10.11.2/Alfred 2.8.2 (432)

    I often - it is probably my most used Alfred feature - use Alfred to pass a search to Spotlight in a finder window, via the traditional command:

    Activate Alfred
    Enter search term
    Hit Control-Return

    Though hitting Control does get the Alfred window to change from the standard results subtext to "Search for ... in Spotlight", hitting return (or enter) does nothing. No finder window appears.

    This just started happening in the past week or so. It happens on both my Macs, which are all running the latest 10.11.2 and Alfred 2.8.2 (432).

    Spotlight search in a finder window (via invoking spotlight, then choosing "Show All in Finder" at the bottom of the Spotlight results window) appears to work fine.

    I've tried rebuilding the finder preferences and the spotlight index.

    I remember this was happening with an earlier version of Alfred; can't recall if it was a bug that was fixed...

    thank you!

  2. Yes—if I hold control and the search term matches (all or in part) an existing file, I see "Find Similar files..." when holding control. If the searched text doesn't match anything—IE, I type in gibberish—I see the Google search as a default, and with control down I see "Search for 'gibberish' in Spotlight." So the behavior only occurs if the search term exists in my filesystem. 



  3. Hi - 


    I believe the modifier-key driven spotlight search in Alfred 2.1.1 is broken. I use CMD-Space to activate Alfred. I type in a search term. I hit Control-Enter and that's supposed to open a spotlight window with the search term I typed in. Instead, it opens a search window with the first result in Alfred's results window. This only happens if I've got a file whose name contains the term I'm searching for. See the images below; I hope this explanation is clear. It does not happen if the search term doesn't partially match an existing file name, i.e., if I search for 'notaknownfilename", Alfred gives me the google search option as default, and correctly modifies to spotlight search if I hit control (same behavior if the search term is a known contact name.)


    I've attached two screenshots. Hope they're helpful.


    Here's the standard, no-control key alfred search for a term that partially matches existing files:





    Here's the same search with the control (spotlight) modifier pressed. If I hit enter, I get a list of files matching the first filename in the list, rather than a spotlight search window containing just the searched-for term.






    Am I being clear? What's going on here? Thanks!

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