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Posts posted by gvantaass

  1. I can't get this to work, sadly.  I'm using Alfred v2, I've set up the custom action for Contacts in the Features section as the instructions suggest, but I can't get anything to send to Prowl.  I know that the API key works because I've tested it in another application and have received the message to my phone.  Something else that I noticed is that I can't seem to get the workflow to pull the phone number out of a contact. :(


    Can someone suggest how I can troubleshoot this?


    Update: Edited the api_key file to get rid of the "button returned:OK" crap in front of the API key string, and things send as expected.  Now, what's going on that I can't grab the contact phone number? 

  2. I appreciate you being willing to look into things.  I know that I can use the extension to send through iMessage, which (as I understand) is the ML/Mav version of iChat.



    Hey gvantass,


    I actually created this extension around iMessage (texts and phone numbers), and I'm not exactly sure how this integrates with things like iChat, Facebook, etc. I actually am not even sure how to get that started... But I'll look into it! No promises though

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