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Posts posted by coreypaige

  1. Hey David - Thanks for the quick reply. Turns out my issue was even simpler than the settings. I was under the assumption that the contacts being accessed by my mail client existed in OSX's Address Book. Once you mentioned associated email addresses, I started flipping through them and realized that none of them have email addresses. I'm not sure if they've been pulled in from Facebook or what, but that's definitely the problem.


    Thanks for setting me straight.

  2. I've read through the contact-related topics, and don't think I've seen an issue exactly like mine (apologies if this is redundant). Contacts appear fine in Alfred 2 when searching directly for them, like so:




    However, no such luck when using the email action:




    This only seems to affect previously existing contacts. I created a new test contact directly from Address Book, and it was immediately available in Alfred. I'm running Alfred 2.1.1 and OSX 10.8.5. (It's worth noting that I've reset the system Contacts access settings and it seems Alfred has the necessary permissions).


    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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