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Jesse Littlewood

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Posts posted by Jesse Littlewood

  1. I'm not a programmer, but love Alfred. Hoping to get some perspective here.


    My work uses Google Apps. I have all my appointments scheduled there, including times blocked off when I need to focus on a project. When I'm trying to schedule a meeting or appointment with a client or someone outside our Google Apps, I need to email them times when I'm available. I know there are websites like http://www.timebird.co/ and Doodle that can help you sync up calendars, but that's kind of overkill, and requires the person on the other end to sign up for a service.


    What I'm hoping to create is a workflow that looks at your Google Calendar, finds the times when you are free, and then just pastes them as text.

    So I can say:


    I'm free for a meeting at the following times:

    [paste in workflow results here]



    Might need to set parameters like for the following week, or something like that.


    Is this possible with Alfred? Any suggestions on how to build it? Something I might be able to do on my own by looking at other workflows?


    Thanks much


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