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Posts posted by INTJeff

  1. Okay, here's what I did. I pasted the above into the window called "Run NSAppleScript" so that it now looks like this:


    on alfred_script(q)
      -- tell application "Firefox" to activate

    tell application "System Events"
        keystroke "p" using {shift down, command down} -- Open New Private Window
        keystroke "l" using {command down} -- Select the URL field
        keystroke "http://intjforum.com/" & return -- Paste URL and hit ENTER
    end tell
    end alfred_script


    The only thing is, it seems Firefox must be the active application when I use my keyword (in this case, "intj") for it to work (e.g. I can't be in an iTunes Window, then toggle Alfred, then type in my keyword). Can it be modified to account for this?


    Also, you'll notice I changed the url . . . that is the site I'd like to use for this. I was wondering if there'd be any way to modify the applescript so that the "user name" and "password" fields are filled and the "Remember Me?" box is ticked and the "Login" button is pressed. Thank you.

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