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Posts posted by bichonfrise74

  1. Thanks... but I don't see anything that can be connected with the 'Open URL' object... do you mind taking a screenshot of the workflow of what you mean? By the way, my Alfred is 2.3.


    Basically, my goal is to have a 'script' generate a specific URL based on an argument that I supply (this is why I am creating a 'script filter' for this), then it will open the URL in the default browser... This works great. But! when the URL is opened, I need to simulate pressing certain shortcut keys to, eg. maximize the screen, disable certain functions.

  2. I have a "Script Filter" which only has this line....

       osascript test.scpt "{query}"

    and test.scpt has this


    on run argv
      set query to argv as text
      if query is "hi" then
        set query to "hi"
      else if query is "hello" then
        set query to "hello"
        set query to ""
      end if
      display dialog query
    end run

    When I type the following in the Alfred search bar, "test hi", the dialog box shows nothing (it seems Alfred does not wait for the entire argument).

    But if I run this script on the command line, it works correctly.

  3. Alfred should learn that you prefer the "mailing" keyword over Mail.app over time. If you are having trouble with this, you may have success by clearing Alfred's knowledge and then trying again. You could also try adding Mail.app to Spotlight's privacy section to prevent it from showing in results


    Interesting, I wrote this workflow 3 days ago, and I have been typing 'mail' on the console and the first one that appears is still Mail.app... How long does it usually take for Alfred to learn/prefer 'mailing' over Mail.app?


    Also, how do I clear Alfred's knowledge? Thanks.

  4. I am not sure what exactly you want to do with your workflow. If you want to write an Email, there is such an option within Alfred. There are also other workflows around here for mailing. 


    You could just change the keyword you use to start the workflow, e.g. "Email" (although this is used within Alfred itself). 


    The keyword that I am using is actually not for email, it is for something else. But I could always change the keyword to avoid having this issue... thanks.

  5. Is it possible to do this with Alfred?


      Click a chrome extension and hit 'start' button inside the chrome extension?


    I think this might be an Applescript or a chrome extension question but I am giving it a shot. Also, I have been searching around how to execute a chrome extension from the command line but without success. My thinking is that if I can do the above with the command line, then I can just tell Alfred to execute it.





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