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John Endahl

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Posts posted by John Endahl

  1. Andrew,

    I appreciate the clarification on the functionality within Alfred. I think I understood that properly.

    The issue is, I know there are many files that have the words "Auto Insurance" in the file content. These are OCR-ed pdfs, and the files are located using Spotlight. But if I use the IN keyword in Alfred, the files are not located. The contents of these files do not seem to be searched properly in Alfred....but maybe I'm missing something.

    --> John

  2. Vero,


    There just seems to be no rhyme nor reason nor pattern to this.


    The "in insurance" search (without quotes) now finds exactly ONE pdf with the word insurance in there (even though there are dozens, many in the same folder as the Alfred result. BTW, the word "insurance" was also found in three other pdfs but they were not these "Frankenmuth" payment receipts.


    The 'frankenmuth insurance' query found lots of files (as I would have expected), so the "Open file" search seems to be locating all the appropriate file names.


    --> John

  3. Vero,


    Thank you for the reply. I've verified that the exact words "auto insurance" are located within the pdfs I'm searching, and that I can double-click the words to select them, so I know the ODR has correctly parsed the text. You can see that in this screenshot.


    Then, just to test your "auto" theory, I searched for the word "insurance". Surprisingly, it found the word in a pdf "User Guide" but did not find it in my intended documents. screenshot


    I'd consider purchasing Powerpack, but if Alfred can't do the search manually, I'm uncertain it would find it with an added layer of automation.


    Are there other, more brute-force methods I can try to clean up the Alfred database (or does Alfred directly query the dbimport files)? Perhaps a complete delete/re-install of Alfred?? A plist I can trash? 


    --> John

  4. Good day,


    OK, I am trying to figure out why Alfred will not find a phrase in a pdf that Spotlight finds successfully. So far, I have done the following:


    Confirmed that Spotlight can do the search successfully.

    Using the "in" keyword in Alfred, verified that Alfred cannot do the search.

    I've confirmed my Spotlight prefs are searching pdfs.

    I've used the "rebuild Mac OS X metadata" from the Alfred control panel.

    I've waited for the mdimport tasks to complete.

    I've reset the Alfred search cache.

    I've entered various terminal commands to rebuild the indices as well.

    I've pulled out some of my hair and wasted hours of my life looking for additional solutions.

    I've begun to think about sacrificing a spotless goat and sprinkling it's blood on my keyboard (OK, no I haven't..at least, not recently,)


    I've worked on this issue on and off for about three months. I'm using Alfred 2.3 (264) without PowerPack, on Mavericks 10.9.3. At this point, I'm ready to seek professional help (both tech support and psychological). Any suggestions/tips/tricks would be greatly appreciated.


    These links go to screenshots of:

    The Spotlight search results

    The Alfred search results

    The Alfred search preferences

    The Alfred results preferences


    So, what am I missing??


    Thanks for any help/counseling you can provide.



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