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Posts posted by nonchalance

  1. Sorry for the late reply. I've been trying to reproduce the error message, but it just hangs now without the error message. The Skimmer app shows up in the status bar, for example:




    (not pictured: spinning beachball). Also it's really not a big deal, I never restart the computer anyways.

  2. It's definitely a strange problem, I'm glad it's somewhat useful for improving the program!


    The error with not being able to open _skimmer happened again today, and was again fixed by running the _skimmer program manually, so it doesn't seem to be a permanent problem/solution (for me).

  3. What an strange issue, it started to give another error about how it couldn't launch _skimmer. But after I ran the  _skimmer application from the workflow folder manually (and of course, got an informational message about what the app does), all my hyperlinks now function as intended.


    Good god, it even works perfectly with files managed with Devonthink (which makes sense I guess, since DT really just buries files in its own structure). This is friggin amazing


    Going to try to set up DrLulz's fork as well, each are definitely useful in different scenarios. With this, it's time to move from Onenote to Evernote, and can't wait to incorporate an iPad into the workflow eventually too. 


    Thanks again for your help and the script!

  4. I just want to say: thank you smarg19 for making this script, this is exactly what I was looking for. And also thanks for DrLulz for the fork, the bullets are perfect for annotating articles.


    I'm having problems with opening hyperlinks in Evernote, I get the following message and I'm not sure what to do. It doesn't seem like anyone else is having this issue, and I apologize in advance if it's something very basic that I missed.


    Thanks again for this!



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