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Posts posted by davidkizler

  1. Hi there, thanks for this awesome workflow!

    Is there possibly a way to have all Alfred searches lead to a folder opening open in a new tab? For example, rather than typing "fo folder_or_file_name" you can just type "folder_or_file_name" and the results will open in a new tab? I rarely want more than 1 finder window open so I'm just seeing if I can kind of make this the default alfred behavior without having to add the fo.

    Thanks either way! 

  2. Hi there, thanks for this awesome workflow!

    Is there possibly a way to have all Alfred searches lead to a folder opening open in a new tab? For example, rather than typing "fo folder_or_file_name" you can just type "folder_or_file_name" and the results will open in a new tab? I rarely want more than 1 finder window open so I'm just seeing if I can kind of make this the default Alfred behavior without having to add the "fo".

    Thanks either way!

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