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Posts posted by DarkAthena

  1. This is pretty weird, another thing you could do is delete a folder from the privacy list wait a moment and readd it to force OS X to reindex it. Then call "reload" in Alfred.


    Last thing to test and make sure nothing fancy is going on, go to Alfred preferences → Advanced → Rebuild OS X Metadata.

    This will take a bit tho



    Rebuilding the OS X Metadata worked! Thank you!

  2. With the Powerpack, you can control your Fallback searches, so go to Alfred's Features > Default Results and click on "Setup fallback results" at the bottom. Remove the fallback searches (or customise them to ones that are more useful to you) and Alfred won't suggest any web searches when there are no local results. :)


    YAY! YAY! YAY!! Perfect!


    Thank you SO MUCH! This was so puzzling and you've utterly sorted me! Thank you!!!!


    *happy dance happy dance*

  3. Mac OS X 10.9.4

    Alfred v2.5.1 (308)


    I've unchecked the boxes for web search, since I don't want Alfred to web search. I've noticed an increase in lag time with the web search enabled in Alfred 2. Without web search enabled, Alfred 2 is almost as snappy as Alfred 1.


    Anyway, I still get the darn drop downs when I start typing in Alfred asking me to search the web.


    I've attached screenshots. I'm able to replicate this every single time I type something. Is there some way to disable the darn Google and other search options? Thank you for your help! :)









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