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Posts posted by pipedowndjh

  1. This bug has driven me nuts for years and I only recently figured out how easy it is to trigger.


    1. Leave CMD + Space as Spotlight
    2. Set Alt + Space for Alfred
    3. Hit Cmd + Space and then hit Alt + Space
    4. Enter in some random text and open as a google search in firefox or chrome
    5. Try to type in the browser

    Actual: You cannot type anywhere in your browser until you open a Safari window and type something into the URL bar

    Expected: This focus issue wouldnt occur

  2. I think this should be pretty easy to do in a workflow (he says after he spent the last three hours learning this stuff). All you need to do is create a workflow that has a hotkey and a script. Set the script to use osascript and enter in the following. As I don't have Airmail installed, you may have to change the name in the first line. The keycode below represents CMD+N. If that is not the hotkey for a new message in Airmail, just download Key Codes and type in the correct hotkey to get the numerical representation of the hotkey : http://manytricks.com/keycodes/


    tell application "Airmail"
        tell application "System Events" to key code 45 using command down
    end tell


    I hope this helps.



  3. Nevermind all. I actually figured this one out :D


    I just needed to add an osascript that did the following within the convert path workflow linked above:


    tell application "Finder"
        tell application "System Events" to key code 40 using command down
        tell application "System Events" to key code 9 using command down
        tell application "System Events" to key code 36
    end tell


    This opens Finder, hits Command K, hits Command V, and then hits Enter.


    I found the key codes by using the KeyCodes app here: http://manytricks.com/keycodes/


    I hope this helps others out.

  4. All--


    I have spent quite a bit of time over the past day or so trying to figure this one out without success.


    The goal of this workflow is to do the following:

    • Highlight a Windows server path like \\filesrv01\folder\folder2
    • Convert it to smb://filesrv01/folder/folder2
    • Open this folder location

    In case it matters, the server to which I will be navigating does us AD authentication.


    So far, I have gotten as far as using the following workflow to convert the path: http://cloud.dferg.us/pkSA


    I had to change the script a bit to the following:

    path = "{query}"
    unc = ""

    parts = path.split('\\')
    unc = parts.join('/')

    print "smb:/#{unc}"


    Now that I have the correct form of the path, I cannot figure out how to just simply launch this. I would really rather avoid having to activate finder, hit command K, and then paste in the path.


    Some topics I have combed through on the forum are:





    Any help would be appreciated.




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