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Posts posted by pj0ta

  1. - macOS version: 14.0
    - Alfred version: 5.1.3 Build 2175
    - Bug: system prompt to grant Alfred access to Bluetooth not triggered 
    - Workaround: add Alfred to list of applications allowed to use Bluetooth from "System Settings > Privacy & Security > Privacy > Bluetooth"
    This workflow uses blueutil to connect/disconnect Bluetooth devices paired to your Mac. It was working fine until upgrading to Sonoma (or maybe Alfred's update 5.1.3). After one of those, the workflow stopped working with no apparent reason listed on Alfred's debugger console.
    When testing blueutil on iTerm, a prompt required granting Bluetooth access permissions to iTerm. Such prompt didn't pop up when running the workflow, so I manually added Alfred to the list of applications allowed to use Bluetooth from System Settings > Privacy & Security > Privacy > Bluetooth. After that, the workflow worked again with no issues.
    It could be that, after upgrading to Sonoma, Alfred was removed from the Bluetooth access list under Privacy & Security settings and, for some reason, Alfred doesn't trigger the Bluetooth access popup when it's required. 
    I haven't tested it, but the same problem could be reproduced when using workflows that require access to resources other than Bluetooth, like the camera or microphone. 

  2. Hey All,


    I'm trying, without success so far, to use File Filter for searches inside json files.


    It works well with the rest of file types I've tried so far, but when I add json to the File Types list, File Filter doesn't return anything. If I rename to "name.json.txt" one of those json files in which I'm trying to look for text and look for all kind of files instead, the filter works without problem.


    Are there any limitations that prevent File Filter from looking inside files with .json extension?


    Here go a couple of screenshots of my configuration to reproduce the behavior:







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