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Posts posted by ired

  1. Done. Solves the Packal Update Issue. Thanks!



    Still no luck with the Chrome/Firefox hassle...


    Though I made an observation, when setting the default browser, thst I get the following notifications for the different browser options:


    "Changed default browser to Default browser: safariSafari"

    "Changed default browser to Default browser: chromiumChromium"

    "Changed default browser to Default browser: firefoxFirefox"

    "Changed default browser to Chrome"


    The notification for Chrome is the odd one out, even though it has the most reasonable text.

    Maybe this is a lead as to why I'm having issues with Chrome?


    Additionally, when trying to run the workflow from Safari set as the default browser, it still forces Firefox to open.


    UPDATE: Even more troubleshooting.


    After I removed Firefox completely from my system, and then tried to run the workflow, I get a dialogue window asking me where to find Firefox.app. If I dismiss the window, the notification does read "Successfully posted %v exit status 1 exit status 1". The bookmark is then NOT posted to Pinboard.


    I have the same issue with firefox. Default is set to Chrome...

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