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Posts posted by hpsauce

  1. Hello Deanishe,


    I would have to politely disagree as that is akin to asking why one would bother with Alfred at all given that you can do everything it offers the long way. This is why our office has physical calculators with the percentage function… to save time. 




  2. Hello mate,


    Thanks for explaining the theory of it.


    It might be simple to do using the other route but it takes 25% longer to complete a calc*. If you're doing 1000 calcs a day this adds up pretty quickly. I might be missing something but that's why I use calculators that are able to do x + y%. 


    *for industries that aren't programming-related, I suppose.




  3. Hi Andrew,


    I've tried googling around for a layman explanation of GCMathParser's method of doing percentages but it doesn't seem very straightforward. =10%100 = 10 (ok this is easy!) =10%200 = 10 (hang on…) = 10%1000 = 10 (wtf?). I had come across the Percentage plugin and have been using that, which seems much more sensible in usage (to me anyway).



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