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Posts posted by LiquidIce

  1. Hello Shawn,


    I have passed the values in "", here is what the code is like:

    $keyword = strtolower ("{query}");
    $urls = [
    'developers' => '1',
    'analytics viewer' => '2'
    if ( array_key_exists( $keyword, $urls ) ) {
        exec( "open urlhere?id={$urls[$keyword]}" );
    There is more code below it and I have changed the URL because its private, but that part works. Things with 1 entire word works fine, but if I put analytics viewer in alfred it does nothing.
  2. Hello everyone,


    I am trying to create a new alfred workflow that what it basically does is:


    Alfred has an array stored with NAME and VALUE, I then type in a keyword + NAME, i want it to open an URL with the VALUE of that NAME.


    For example: 



    Lets example a wikipedia search:

    I type in openup linux  and what this should do is:


    Check array --> NAME = linux?  Check the value of linux, VALUE = Linux --> Open URL "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux"


    It may seem hard to explain but its quite simple in mind hehe,


    Anyone have any ideas?


    Kind regards,

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