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Posts posted by kdu472

  1. Thanks for the reply.  I just used the snippet in a new blank TexEdit document, copied and pasted it into Excel with the same result (#VALUE! error).  I keep a log of To-Dos and To-Dones in an Apple Note during each workday.  I use the Short Time snippet in those Apple Notes to mark start and stop times in my workday.  Then copy and paste those into Excel to get hour totals.  This has worked flawlessly for since Sep. 2022 when I started this process.  I went back to last week and the times created by the snippet in the notes have a "regular" space before the AM/PM.  


    I have been using Alfred since 2013, upgraded from Alfred 4 to Alfred 5 on Dec. 8, 2023.  I upgraded to Sonoma on Dec. 23, 2023. 

  2. * What you were doing when the issue happened: using the short time snippet: {time:short}, in version 5, time snippet puts a x202f character before the AM or PM. Previous versions put a space.  This causes problems using the snippet in Excel as Excel does not like the x202f and does not recognize the cell value as time.  This broke sometime after upgrading to version 5. When I use the shortcut in BBEdit's find window, it shows: 9:48\x{202F}AM
    * Whether you were able to replicate it a second time by performing the same action: Yes
    * Include any screenshots that might help us: I used the snippet in cell A2, 
    * Include the Alfred version & build number you are using (don't say "latest" - you'll find a version number in the Update tab of Alfred's preferences): Alfred 5.1.4 [2195]
    * Include your macOS version: Sonoma 14.2.1

    Excel Example.png

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