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Posts posted by jmm

  1. Alfred can search for files by tag. And by file names. Separately.

    Apple's Spotlight conveniently combine both in its search results.


    As an example, let's say I want to open one of my apps for editing markdown. I can't remember the name of the one I'm looking for.

    Alfred's search comes out with 2 apps: Markdown Pro & Multimarkdown Composer.

    Apple's default search comes out with all 5 apps: Markdown Pro, Multimarkdown Composer, IA Writer, Haroopad, Typora.

    Knowing I would be hard press to remember the function of the 600 apps in my Mac,  I tagged those that have names unrelated to their function. In this case, "markdown". In the case of Gemini, "duplicates", etc.

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