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Posts posted by drenwick

  1. Hi there.. 

    I am developing a workflow to start a length process and have some trouble now getting the scripts to return. 


    So I have a Run Script action and In the middle of the script it runs an external shell script... something like this..


    echo "starting cobble" >> $log

    result=`./cobble.sh $function ${runtimeVariables}`

    echo "cobble: returned already" >> $log
    in the cobble.sh script I have some code like this;
    echo "$scriptName: START" >> $log
    heavyliftCLI & >> $log 2>&1
    echo "$scriptName: END" >> $log
    So what happens is that this in the logs;
    > starting cobble
    > cobble: START
    > heavyliftCLI .... blah blah blah
    > blah blah blah
    > etc
    > cobble: END
    I never get the expected file log entry (i.e. "cobble: returned already")
    What I expected to happen was that the & at the end of the heavyliftCLI would background the task and then we'd return all the way back. 
    Instead - it spawns the process and then exit's the script (I see "cobble: END")
    ... then nothing ...
    If I go open the terminal and 'killall heavyliftCLI' I will immediately see the "cobble: returned already" entry in the log.
    Sort of suggests that Alfred is awaiting for all the spawned processes to finish...
    Can anyone help me work out what is happening and any possible workarounds?
    Thanks in advance..


  2. alfredPG is an Alfred2 workflow that allows you to start a PhoneGap emulation process for ios.

    The idea is that you can simply type 'pgemulate' and then hit the tab key and alfredPG will list your PhoneGap projects that you are working on. Carry on typing and select the project using the PhoneGap 'appname'.

    Once you execute the command, it will start the "iOS Simulator" and launch your project ready for testing.

    NOTE: alfredPG does need a one time configuration in order that you can tell it where your PhoneGap projects are stored on the drive.. See workflow 'readme' for full information. 

    alfredPG is published on;
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