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Posts posted by iDesign

  1. I want this too. It really bothers me a lot that I'm forced to use Helvetica/Lucida Grande/Menlo. Why allow us to make extensive custom themes if we just cannot simply adjust a font? If cutted/invisible descenders are a problem, then why not add a special 'only UPPERCASE mode' for when a custom font is selected? Please add an experimental option for the people who really want it, even if it's buggy at first (add a manual 'line-height slider' or something). 

    I'm starting to regret my purchase, 24 euro is a lot of money for something that cannot change it's typeface to something else... Sorry for sounding spoiled or negative, it just disappoints me :( (by the way: if you add the new 'San Francisco' font from Apple when it is released, or the new Roboto from Google, then most people would be happy I think)
    ps: i wanted to use 'Netto' from Daniel Utz
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