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Posts posted by rdflynn

  1. Hi All, 


    Just to say I have made a very small update to the script. I have added ".app" to the end of the Dashlane line in the Applescript as otherwise the script tries to open Dashlane installed inside Parallels VMs. 


    The download link is the same (above) as I didn't consider it such a massive change to create a whole new file!


    Hope it is useful for you all, let me know if you need any updates or new features I've not thought of yet.




  2. Hi All!


    Just wanted to share a little workflow I've put together with help from James (http://www.alfredforum.com/user/8876-jamespaden/).


    It's to allow you to search Dashlane using Alfred.


    To use, simply invoke Alfred and type df (Dashlane Find). Press space, then enter a search term (e.g. Gmail). Press return.


    Dashlane will open with your search term in the search field. You can then choose the item you want and get the detail you need (e.g. Copy password). 


    Get the workflow from here:




    Hope this is useful - let me know if you have any problems and I'll see what I can do. You may also be interested to see the original thread for this as we were discussing the idea and how it could work:




    Once more, thanks to James for helping with some of the implantation!





  3. That's awesome, Ryan! Your applescript-fu is way stronger than mine. I didn't know applescript can do that. This knowledge will change my life forever.


    I expanded the workflow to take the search parameter from Alfred, in case anyone else wants it to work that way:


    No problem, James, thanks for the updated version - very cool! I didn't know that the argument is passed through automatically, that's a nice feature to have. 


    Vitor - good idea. James, would you like to do this seeing as you have done the most up to date version, or would you like me to (with appropriate mention of your new additions, of course?)

  4. Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I threw this together in about 10 minutes this afternoon and thought it might help:




    It's a really simple workflow that is invoked by launching Alfred and typing df (Dashlane Find). This then launches Dashlane and selects the search box. So, workflow is:



    Type df

    Press enter

    Type what you are searching for (e.g. Gmail)

    Select what you need


    Dashlane doesn't allow you to select the password etc from the search box via keyboard, so you've still got to mouse to that but it saves a little time...






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