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Jayson Cruz

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Posts posted by Jayson Cruz

  1. This is a good idea :)


    I tried it but im having a problem. When i type the first character of the query, it shows the fallback result (eg google searches).


    Here's what's in the log:


    Starting debug for 'Say Something'


    [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: -e:4:in `split': invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII (ArgumentError)

    from -e:4:in `<main>'

    [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: -e:4:in `split': invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII (ArgumentError)

    from -e:4:in `<main>'

    [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: -e:4:in `split': invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII (ArgumentError)

    from -e:4:in `<main>'


    Please help. Eager to use your workflow :)




    - Jayson

  2. Hi Carlos:


    I've been using your evernote workflow, and i love it so much! Next is to use this alfred-pinboard workflow and here's what i observed:


    In pinboard.in website, i have something like this:


    "breedingCatsDomain.com" has the following tags: "cats" "breeding"

    "breedingDogsDomain.com" has the following tags: "dogs" "breeding"


    SEARCH COMPARISON (pinboard.in VS alfred workflow):


    I. In pinboard.in website:


    if you query tags "/t:breeding" it shows all.


    ... That would have lots of articles and would be better if its narrowed down by filtering another tag. eg.


    if you query tags "/t:dogs/t:breeding" it shows "breedingDogsDomain.com" only

    if you query tags "/t:cats/t:breeding/" it shows "breedingCatsDomain.com" only


    II. In alfred-pinboard workflow:


    ps #breeding it shows all (--same results--)

    ps #dogs #breeding it shows all (breedingDogsDomain and breedingCatsDomain.com) (--different results--)

    ps #cats #breeding it shows all (breedingDogsDomain and breedingCatsDomain.com) (--different results--)


    i could use "#dogs" but that would be difficult to search about breeding if it has several articles about dogs.


    Any idea what i need to do to narrow down results by adding tags? (same as how you did in evernote workflow).



    - Jayson

  3. This workflow is really awesome! I can't live without this :)


    One thing that is missing is to create a new note with an unfinish reminder set (reminders without date).  


    Let me explain how i use evernote. I tweak evernote to act like a GTD app. Newly created note is considered as a single todo item. So i need to set reminder for each note i created. For now, I have created a save search that will query all the notes (created using ENN) that don't have an unfinish reminder yet, and set reminder (w/o date) each note one by one every morning before i start the day. 


    One solution is to set !today for each note i create:

    enn #todoGrocery !today Buy Milk


    This will work but not that ideal since i dont want to set date. I need to mark the created note "Buy Milk" to have an unfinished reminder (w/o date), this will make all notes in #todoGrocery sortable. Sortable item is important to me.


    I hope there's an option for the newly created note to have an unfinish reminder set in default, or something like

    enn #todoGrocery !reminder Buy Milk


    Any idea?

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