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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. perhaps. ok, any ways thanks for the quick help, everything is working properly now!
  2. Thanks guys, no proxy. reboot fixed it, yes these are all python workflows.... is this a known bug? for the developers too?
  3. it seems to me like Alfred couldn't connect to the internet??? at least I have tried a few additional workflows and when it does it's job locally it works but when it needs to connect to the internet it doesn't. although Alfred can check for updates. Could you help me please?
  4. Hi, some workflows that used to work cannot be used since although their command is found but once they are selected I cannot proceed. I have issues with the following: - http://www.packal.org/workflow/movie-and-tv-show-search - http://www.packal.org/workflow/packal-workflow-search - http://www.packal.org/workflow/homebrew-and-cask-alfred the interesting part is that there are no messages shown in workflow debug and using their commands in terminal do work and return the needed data in xml format. Can you give me some troubleshooting hints? thanks!
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