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Status Updates posted by shiny9

  1. Apparently I just can't hit Enter at all on this forum. :) HI deanishe, I've been using your Secure Password workflow for months now and I love it. Recently, it's hanging on "Crunching random bits" when trying to generate a PW, and "Loading preferences" when I try to get int pwconf. Any ideas what might cause that? I've run the pwgen.py script from a Terminal and it seems to be working properly.

    1. deanishe


      Yeah. It's probably this Alfred bug: https://github.com/deanishe/alfred-workflow/issues/80

      I was hoping Andrew would push a fix for Alfred, and I and everybody else using Alfred-Workflow could avoid updating all their workflows, but Andrew's focussed on v3 right now.

      I'll ask Andrew if he can update Alfred accordingly or I'll update the workflow in the coming days to use the current version of Alfred-Workflow, which has a workaround.

    2. deanishe


      BTW, a post in the workflow's thread may be a better idea in future: you're probably not the only one having the issue.

    3. shiny9


      Thank you for the info! I'll look into that bug and see how/if I can resolve it locally.

      My bad for posting here :)

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