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Posts posted by _Sascha_

  1. I don't know why, but since Alfred 5 the Spotlight search became somehow corrupted.

    But I have no clue how it could be possible, because Spotlight isn't part of Alfred.


    But with Alfred 5 upgrade, besides me the same issue appeared for two other users, too.

    But we have fixed it, thanks to the "Rebuild macOS Metadata" Script:




    But look out, if it really was able to delete the folder /System/Volumes/Data/.Spotlight-V100!


    If not and you see a Operation not permitted error message, while he tried to delete the .Spotlight-V100 folder, you have to give the Terminal which Alfred executes when you push the button on the image above, full disk access via:

    System->Security&Privacy->Privacy Tab
    1. Pick "Full Disc Access" on the left panel
    2. Pick your terminal on the right panel
    3. Or add it from your Application folder (optional, point 5)





    Then Alfred should be able to delete the Spotlight Index File, if not or you want to do it manually, you can also do it by yourself, in terminal (with full disc access) via:


    sudo mdutil -a -i off
    sudo rm -Rf /System/Volumes/Data/.Spotlight-V100
    sudo mdutil -a -i on


    A bit patience and the Spotlight as like Alfred should find your applications or missing files again.



    Maybe the developers could update the reindexdel.sh a bit


    To check for a Operation not permitted from:


    sudo rm -R /.Spotlight-V100
    sudo rm -R /System/Volumes/Data/.Spotlight-V100


    And trigger a message to give Full Disc Access permissions to the Terminal.app.

  2. 1 hour ago, timhilde said:


    Somehow this isn't working on my end. I've reinstalled Python 2 with this guide and downloaded the updated workflow, but still nothing... 


    That's because most older scripts address hardcoded to `/usr/bin/python`, while the guide pointing out the homebrew bin location `/opt/homebrew/bin/python`.


    As work around you can try to link it somehow but that didn't worked for me and I got error:

    > sudo ln -s /opt/homebrew/bin/python /usr/bin/python
    ln: /usr/bin/python: Operation not permitted


    Alternative you could do as workaround a hard search and replace with an editor like VisualCode or Sublime trough the whole workflow folder and replace the hardcoded lines `/usr/bin/python` to  `/opt/homebrew/bin/python`. But before doing something like this, you should make a backup of this folder or even your whole Alfred preferences first.


    Just so you can recover everything when better guides or workarounds getting released.


    I don't know for sure (not a python developer), but I bet modern workflow-scripts doesn't use hardcoded-locations anymore and detecting instead the  binary-locations from the PATH varialbe we setuped before.

  3. I've the same issue, the external storage where Alfreds-Sync-Profile is located to, starts to late.

    The reason is simple, the Storage keeps the folders for the cloud and is encrypted.


    Means, when the user logins, the Mac decrypts the local files first.

    Then it starts all Apps who are set up to start at the login and mounting the external devices.


    The issue here is just simple, Alfred starts faster then the external SSD getting mounted. 😜


    Workaround as long no feature to re-check location-exsistence is to use a:


    • Script which just sleeps and starts your applications (simple bash)
    • Launch Agent (what deanishe suggested, nice app he found by the way)
    • App which you put into your applications at login which delay the start of other applications (see Google for this)


    I will testing out now Startupizer 2, this looks like exactly what I need. It makes even the first setup easy, by allow you to move your startup-items into it and then setting up conditions. (mine are: Start Dropbox/Nextcloud when external drive appears and then Alfred has the same condition including waiting that both applications already running) Let's see how it works, if I don't write anything more here, it was fine. 


  4. This is something I wanted to suggest already in the past, but doesn't found the time for it.


    My first idea was to seperate Workflows in boxes or seperated by headlines with the category-name.


    But I think with activated "Show Categories" it even would be enough to add a "Sort by Category" feature.





  5. I would like to suggest one of these two features:


    1. Multiple Keywords for Snippets and Workflows


    Just as the headline says: Multiple keywords for snippets and workflows would be a nice possibility to defeat our habits when it means to finding the right word to access the wished snippet or workflow.

    I think we all already had the situation where we tried 3 or 4 keywords and then gived up to look how that damn keyword for the workflow was called. If we could add more keywords to snippets and workflows, it would make the bad times, less bad.



    2. Option to turn on/off the case sensitive on Keywords


    Please add an option to turn this damn case sensitive keyword detection off. Yes, it is more precise if I say you only have to toggle when I write it exactly like "tHiS". But sometimes it is just annoying that the keyword auto insertion don't toggles because you wrote on letter in the wrong case.


    But talk about an option here, like a check-dialog-field in the snippet-editor. Not all keywords should are able to ignore case sensitive, the user should exactly set what he wonts to trigger on case sensitive and what, without.




    If I would make a Internet-Signature-Snippet for fourms the signature for the Internet would be've the keyword-string "signet". Sounds good, but if the case sensitive option would be just a global one, instead for each keyword for itself. The problem would be that "Signet" is already a word in my language what I wouldn't like to trigger an event when starting with a capittal letter.

  6. There is already a Alfred port avaiable for windows.


    It called Wox and is a so called Alfred-clone.


    But for indexing it need a third party application and don't work so well like Alfread already does.


    I think Wox will grow more in the next years (because of the unix-shell of Win10).

    But at the moment it is lightyears away from Alfred.


    If the Alfred developer ported years ago into the windows-platform, I think it could have worked out.

    But with Wox as OpenSource project now, I don't think it is a profitable platform anymore.

  7. I don't know it for real, but I think Alfread started as launcher and how far it got is just impressing!


    Do you really think a company (the employees from them) would like to work with Alfred?

    I offered this applications colleagues but if they aren't developers or administrators, most of them don't understand the real benefits of this application.


    I could live without a Mac, but not without Alfred anymore.


    This little tool has improved my workflows so much, that Alfred is the only reason why I don't start Windows anymore.

    ( And that means a lot, I like to run thing fast and with performance, something what OSX is missing )


    I looked if I can find something like Alfred for Windows, but the most launchers are out-to-date there and the only project which trys to copy Alfred is lightyears away from it.

  8. Oh, I thought this would already be implemented when I saw the first time the new snippet-feature announcement.


    Would like to see this in the new snippet-insertion feature, too!




    1. Define (single) target of cursor


    2. Define (multiple) targets to jump for cursor

    Jumping via TABulature hotkey.

    for({cursor_pos0}; {cursor_pos1}; {cursor_pos2}) {

    Have a nice day!

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