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Posts posted by qin

  1. Alfred actually just works like a web browser, the http:// shouldn't even be shown there as it's a red herring.


    If a website is correctly setup with HSTS, then the site will be loaded with https automatically without redirection.


    I'll remove the http:// from the url title in a future release to prevent confusion.





    Yes, I tried visit website with HSTS and can't dump packet at port 80.

    It a good idea to remove `http://` added by Alfred.

  2. I had report this bug by email. But I didn't got a response.



    I am using Alfred 3 now.

    My mac has a private ipv4 address (e.g. and a public ipv6 address (e.g. 2001:db8::1).

    Now I can connect Alfred from my iOS device using ipv4 address.

    But I can’t use ipv6 address to connect to Alfred. (I tried using a domain name. I tried setting up a direct connection within Alfred.)


    I notice Alfred only listen to the ipv4 address.
    It not a bug.
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