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Posts posted by JMoVS

  1. Hi,


    I am building a workflow and on my machine, it seems to use the right python version.


    The same workflow on my friend's computer however doesn't work - it somehow picks the system's python 3.7 although he has the homebrew version of python installed (python 3.11) and also an anaconda.


    How can I determine and control which python is used when in a script filter I choose "python" as the one to run?

  2. I'm sorry but I neither have the time nor knowledge to pull that off. Was just a silly small idea. ;-) But as Alfred has contacts integration, something like a calendar viewer would be a great thing for a v2.5 ;-)

  3. Hi all,


    I missed the Alfred 1.x "action" keyword, which I usually used to open the selected Finder items in an app (more often than not Photoshop). So I made an Alfred 2.x workflow to do that.


    You can download it here: http://mattgemmell.com/files/open_selected_finder_items_alfred2.zip


    Usage is simple:


    1. Type the keyword ("fsel" by default, for "Finder selection") then a space.

    2. Type the name of the app you want to use (and/or pick it from the list), and hit Return.




    Hope someone else finds it useful. Once again, you can download it here: http://mattgemmell.com/files/open_selected_finder_items_alfred2.zip



    Matt Gemmell



    Do you know that you can set up a shortkey for actioning the currently selected finder item and thereby choosing (or moving) "open with" (to the top) to open it in another application?


    It sounds like it would be much faster than typing fsel and application name.



  4. Well, http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ works for me. But how do I execute this in Alfred? Do I use php shell? And where to put {query} in what form? I am a mere user of the extension and can't fiddle with php really ;-)


    Thx so far!


    hmm, was able to open the site but not to look if it's down or not. Strange


    How much work would it be to use http://isitup.org/ instead?

  5. Hi,


    I tried to update the old "down for everyone or just me" v1 extension from David Ferguson to v2. But it doesn't work. In either case, it just says it's down (and google is NOT down).


    Here is the php code which needs to run (and works fine in v1):



    /* -----------------------------------
        Script:     Down For Everyone or Just Me
        Author:     David Ferguson
        Usage:        down <host>
        Desc:        Uses the website downforeveryoneorjustme.com
                    to determine if a site is up. Returns status
                    via Growl.
        Updated:    7/8/11
    ----------------------------------- */
    //Pull hostname off of the command line
    //Retrieve status from isup.me
    $url         = "http://www.isup.me/$q";
    $crl         = curl_init();
    $timeout     = 10;
    curl_setopt ($crl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt ($crl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt ($crl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
    $def         = curl_exec($crl);
    curl_close  ($crl);
    //Search the result text to determine the status
    $find = strpos($def, "It's just you.");
    //Return status
    if ($find) { echo "It's just you. ".ucfirst($q)." is up."; }
    else { echo "It's not just you. ".ucfirst($q)." is down."; }

    How do i get this working in a workflow?

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