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Posts posted by AlfredGuy

  1. I think I figured it out. Is the following correct:


    Create a new blank workflow in Alfred

    Fill out the form that appears

    Click 'Create' button

    Right click on the workflow name in the list of workflows and select "Open in Finder"

    Copy all the files from your GitHub repository into this directory

    Go back to Alfred Preferences and the workflow steps appear in Afred


    Looks like this is how its done. I could have deleted my question and answer but I'll leave it for the benefit of other newbies like me who might have the same or similar question,


  2. Hi there,


    I've been looking for an alternate way to control the Logitech Litra Glow light on a Mac because Logitech software is a nightmare.


    I came across this during a search:



    I figured out how to use the lid-litra.py script using the Command Line but how do I build the workflow from the 'alfred-litra / workflow' files in the repository?


    Much appreciate any help in advance.

    Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 4.32.47 PM.png

  3. Hi there,


    I recently updated my Mac M1 and some things have changed. One of my favourite Alfred Workflows, 'Transmit' by Jefferson Sher is now throwing an error and I need help to get it working again.


    When I invoke the workflow I get the following error:


    Reason: launch path not accessible
    Check that the selected language exists on your system.
    If you're syncing Alfred's preferences, also check that all related workflow files exist locally.


    In that /usr/bin folder I have 'python3' which I am guessing is not the same thing. Could anyone offer a suggestion on how I can get this workflow working again?




  4. This is more of a Mac M1 question but I thought I would start here because it involves Alfred.

    I often use VNC to connect and control another Mac on the LAN. I created an AppleScript App to launch Alfred:


    tell application "System Events" to key code {58, 49}


    It works on my Intel MacBook (Catalina 10.15.7) but when I trigger this AppleScript on the Mac Mini M1 (OS Monterey 12.2) Alfred just flashes and doesn't stay on the screen.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction to resolve this?

  5. Hi there,


    I was in the process of typing out the question about how to automatically insert the date into a text expanding snippet and suddenly it dawned on me how this might be done.


    I use Alfred daily and I'm probably only scratching the surface of what it can do and I bet there are all kinds of people just like me out there. So for the benefit of anyone that wants to do this it's as simple as including the following in your snippet:






    Keyword: blahblah:


    Snippet: This is my expanded text on: {date:full}


    Expands to: This is my expanded text on: Thursday, December 2, 2021


    (or whatever the date is)


    I'm embarrassed I didn't know how to do this after using Alfred for as long as I have.

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